Hi, my name is Noah—thanks for checking out my site! I'm a recent graduate from the University of Michigan with an interest in performant systems, games and game engines, machine learning, and visual effects. Outside of programming, I enjoy exploring math, playing bass, watching movies, and playing with my dog!
Current project! Inspired by Buckshot Roulette and other recent table-top games, this Godot game takes bingo to another level.
A VR spirometry test suite that aims to make pulmonary medical tests more engaging. Utilizes a custom Arduino-based spirometer.
An AR mobile game akin to Pokémon Go, blending real-world geography with virtual game play elements.
A project exercising my abilities in Unreal Engine, specifically focusing on VR experiences.
Custom deep neural network that successfully differentiates photos of European landmarks with >85% accuracy.
Aug 2023 - May 2024
Aug 2021 - Oct 2022