Noah Peters


Hi, my name is Noah—thanks for checking out my site! I'm a recent graduate from the University of Michigan with an interest in performant systems, games and game engines, machine learning, and visual effects. Outside of programming, I enjoy exploring math, playing bass, watching movies, and playing with my dog!


<Bingo Game>

Current project! Inspired by Buckshot Roulette and other recent table-top games, this Godot game takes bingo to another level.

Game Engine

A C++ based game engine. Currently includes an ECS, custom scripting, a GUI, and numerous other features.

Tip Tracker

Web app that tracks tips from serving, providing various analytics and insights.


A video-streaming web app designed for music enthusiasts seeking an efficient way to curate music video playlists.


A VR spirometry test suite that aims to make pulmonary medical tests more engaging. Utilizes a custom Arduino-based spirometer.

A2 Go!

An AR mobile game akin to Pokémon Go, blending real-world geography with virtual game play elements.

Unreal Exercise

A project exercising my abilities in Unreal Engine, specifically focusing on VR experiences.

CNN Image Classifier

Custom deep neural network that successfully differentiates photos of European landmarks with >85% accuracy.


University of Michigan: College of Engineering

Instructional Aide

Aug 2023 - May 2024

  • Communicated complex technical concepts for a class with over 800 students by planning and leading engaging weekly discussion sessions, presenting recaps, working through examples, and addressing students' questions.
  • Closely collaborated with course faculty to develop high-quality technical content, including exam problems, course notes, and assignments, ensuring a comprehensive and challenging learning experience.
  • Provided exceptional support through weekly office hours, online forum monitoring, and one-on-one guidance, promoting an accessible and inclusive learning environment.

University of Michigan: Department of Internal Medicine

Data Engineer

Aug 2021 - Oct 2022

  • Initiated and implemented a data routing program using Python, greatly increasing the efficiency of patient data processing for an ongoing clinical study with over 200 patients.
  • Developed a RESTful API with Spring Boot for patient data access, leveraging OOP principles for model design and ensuring data persistence with MongoDB, JPA, and Hibernate.
  • Designed a user-friendly GUI using React, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS, enabling researchers to intuitively access and analyze relevant patient data.


Computer Organization

  • Mini-CPU assembler, simulator, and assembly multiplier
  • Pipelined datapath and memory cache simulators
  • Assembly-level optimization
  • ARM assembly

Machine Learning

  • Applications in data mining, computer vision, speech recognition, and natural language processing
  • SVMs, convolutional neural networks, clustering
  • Information theory

Computer Security

  • Cryptography theory: AES, Diffie-Hellman, RSA
  • Web security: XSS, CSRF, SQLi, TLS, DNS attacks
  • Host and app security: buffer overflow, viruses, spyware, botnets, digital forensics

Web Systems

  • Flask/React-based Instagram clone
  • Multi-process, multi-threaded MapReduce server using socket programming
  • Distributed search engine akin to Google